The South Middleton School District is committed to creating and sustaining a comprehensive, coordinated effort to improve the overall safety and well-being of our students, educators, and administrators. This website was created to inform all educators, families, and students of what to do in the event someone is struggling with mental health concerns. We want all staff and students to A.C.T. - Acknowledge, Care, and Tell - if they know someone is struggling with mental health. Suicide should never be an option - it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Acknowledge - Acknowledge the person is dealing with a tough situation
Care - Let the person know you care and want to help them
Tell -Tell a trusted adult what is going on so they can help
Report your concern immediately! Use the resources below to guide you.
Talk to your parents, teachers, counselors...tell any trusted adult to get help.
Safe2Say Something Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Teenline, a program run through Holy Spirit hospital, also has a hotline for people that would like to talk with a specially trained counselor:
- 717-763-2345 or 1-800-722-5385
Local hospitals also have crisis workers available in their Emergency Room areas. Professionally trained staff are available to assess individuals and help connect them to resources.
- Holy Spirit Crisis #: 717- 763-2222
- Carlisle Regional Crisis #: 717-243-6005