Promotion/Retention Policy

Students are expected to achieve a grade of 70% in order to be promoted in each subject area. If a students does not achieve a 70%, he/she will be expected to remediate the deficiency through summer school, through approved tutoring (30 hours) or by completing an approved correspondence course. The guidelines below are to be followed when determining if a student should be retained or promoted to the next grade level.

Core Courses:

Any middle level student who fails four or five core classes will automatically be retained and will repeat the grade level during the next school year.

Any middle level student who fails three core classes must make up a minimum of two classes during summer school, through approved tutoring (30 hours) or complete a correspondence course. If the student does not make up two classes, he/she will be retained and will repeat the grade level during the next school year.

Any middle level student who fails two core classes must make up a minimum of one class during summer school, through approved tutoring (30 hours) or complete a correspondence course.

Any middle level student who has failed a total of four core classes during the seventh and eighth grade years must make up a minimum of two classes during summer school, through approved tutoring (30 course) or complete a correspondence course. If the student does not make up at least two classes, the student will be retained and will repeat the eighth grade year.

Any middle level student who fails the same core class in seventh and eighth grade must make up t he eighth grade class during summer school, through approved tutoring (30 hours) or complete a correspondence course.

Creative Arts/Wellness and Fitness:

Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade creative arts classes are those classes that are not a part of the core curriculum and include the following: Band, Career Development, Chorus, Computer Education, Family and Consumer Science, Foreign Language, Health, Library, Music, Physical Education, Technology Education, and Visual Art.

Any student who fails three or more of the Creative Arts classes mentioned above will have failed the equivalent of one core class. Students in this situation will have to attend thirty hours of supervised remediation during summer school.

If in the event, parents or educators feel it is in the best interest to promote or retain a student outside these guidelines, a team will be convened comprised of the parents/guardians, counselor, teachers, principal and collectively they will determine if a student should be promoted or retained and if applicable how the student will be remediated.

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