Homework Philosophy:
During the middle school years organization, work ethic,
responsibility, and attitude begin to play as equally an important role
in academic success as ability. Middle school parents, teachers, and
students need to work together to help students develop the skills to
plan for, organize, and complete school work independently. This not
only provides the basis for academic success, it provides the foundation
for skills which will benefit students for a lifetime.
At Yellow Breeches Middle School, we believe that all students can
develop the skills to plan for, organize, and complete school tasks
independently. For some, it takes more effort than others. Middle
school, not high school, is the time to make that effort. To this end,
our expectations, standards, programs, and policies are geared to help
students acquire these skills.
Expectations and Standards:
Homework is an essential part of the total education of the student.
Middle level students should expect 60 to 80 minutes of homework per
night. Homework provides the opportunity for the student to:
practice, apply, integrate or extend school learning.
reinforce independent work-study skills.
develop self-discipline.
Homework assignments will be meaningful and based on student needs.
When assigned, homework will be integrated into class discussions and
relevant to current learning of the student. As a result of the
importance of homework, teachers will:
publish general expectations for homework in their classroom
syllabus and provide students with specific expectations on
long-term/major assignments.
assist students in understanding the importance of using an assignment book.
assist students in understanding and planning for long-term and short-term assignments.
assist students in establishing priorities and setting goals.
"So Really, What Difference Does This Make?":
For students, this all often boils down to one question: "What
difference does this make?" (Sometimes it is asked in a little more
colorful language, but the basic question is the same.) Since the
development of the middle level program nearly a decade ago, the answer
to this question has been consistent:
Regardless of academic ability, middle school students who
improve organizational skills, assume responsibility, and complete
homework feel better about themselves, have better grades, have less
stress, have more opportunities, and do not find themselves grounded
nearly as much as students who do not. Equally as important, they do
better in high school.
Excused Absences and Homework:
It is the student's responsibility to contact the teacher to obtain
the make-up assignments that were missed during any excused absence. In
the event of an excused absence, students will have one school day for
each excused absence day to make up any short-term assignments. Any
long-term assignments, projects, or research papers are due immediately
upon the student's return.
After the first day of an absence, teachers will honor reasonable
requests by parents to have homework sent home. In order to have time to
collect a student's homework, requests must be before 10:00 AM. Parents
may call 258-6484 and follow the instructions for reporting a child
absent. You may leave your request for homework at the same time you
report the absence.
Unexcused Absences and Late Homework:
Homework assignments, if accepted after the due date, are subject a
reduction in grade. Teacher discretion is to be used to determine what
credit, if any, is given for late assignments. Teachers will publish
their homework standards within their syllabus. However, late
assignments, if accepted, generally result in up to 50% of their point
value. In other words, a ten-point assignment handed in a day late, will
receive a maximum grade of five out of the ten possible points.
Students who consistently fail to complete homework will be assigned
after-school detention. Again, though teacher discretion can be applied,
generally after three missed homework assignments, a student may be
assigned detention.
There is a direct correlation between failure to complete homework,
failing marking period grades, and summer school. No matter how
challenging course work may be for a student, it is extremely rare to
find a student in summer school who paid attention in class and did all
their homework. A low grade on an occasional late homework assignment or
an after school detention may seem harsh. However, it is not nearly as
harsh as spending six weeks of summer in school.