Please feel free to contact any of the people on this list if you have any questions or concerns.
Sabrina Roth
Counselor |
Danae Klock |
Counselor |
Brandon Deitch
Assistant Principal |
Leslie Felix
YBMS Building Nurse
Elmer Barrick
Teacher - iMPACT
Jaynie Korzi
Deb Whitmoyer
EL Teacher
Dave Bandura
Teacher - 7th Grade
Heather Kuffa
Teacher - 7th Grade
Tylor Hykes
Teacher - 6th Grade
Ally Chiavacci
Teacher - 6th Grade Special Education
Chelshea Pruznack |
School Psychologist |
Angelina Romano
School Social Worker
Alex Smith |
Director of Student Services
JoAnn Carbaugh
Representative from Teenline |
Jerri Swavely
Representative from Cumberland-Perry
Drug and Alcohol Commission |